Thursday, February 21, 2008

Not So Easy!!

When I first had the thought of running another marathon, my wife was still on maternity leave and getting up with the kids at night. Now that she is back to work and I have to give up, at least, 1.5 hours of sleep per night, it is getting tough. I'm finding that I need to argue with myself about whether or not to go to gym. So far "going" is winning.

I'm up to a 7.5 mph pace right now and will do that for the next 2.5 weeks. That equates to 8 min/mile. I am a bit surprised that it is kind of easy and it gives me hope that I'll be able to hit 10 mph.

I still need to better watch what I eat. I ballooned up to 218.6 earlier this week. Since then, I've been taking lunches to work and not stopping for bagels/juice. I've already dropped 4.5 lbs. I guess this should be a sign that it works, but I;m hungry.

Anyway....I'll see you back in a few weeks and thanks for keeping up.


Mr. Ye' Speaks said...

JB, I'm going to run my first 1/2 Marathon this year. I'm getting a lot of support from my friends and family. It's something on my "What I have to complete before I turn 30list." :) I will keep in touch w/ you if you will do the same. Take care. Kanye'

jb said...

Good luck to you. The support from friends and family is helpful. I found my motivation in telling people I was going to run. I felt like I'd be letting them down if I didn't complete it.

I also found that completing the training was much more of an accomplishment than the actual run itself.

If you start a blog, please pass the info along. Are you running the Detroit Marathon, or other?