Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 14 Update

Bet you thought I gave up, didn't you? No siree Bob! I just no longer need the motivation of documenting my run to know that I'm gonna finish. I've continued my training for the past 3 weeks and am happy to say, I am on the stretch run (pardon the pun!). No run will be longer than 4 miles, with the majority only being 2 miles.

My only concern at this point is the weather. If it is 60-70 degree, I know I can handle it. If it's 90 degrees, like this past week, I will have some problems. Conversely, if it's 30-40 degrees, I don't know how my body will react. Either way it is out of my hands!

I probably won't post anymore until after the run, but will hopefully get some pictures up of me crossing the finish line.

Thank you for your continued support!

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