Tuesday, December 11, 2007


My goal was to finish the run in under 2:10:00. As you can see I blew that goal away....lol

This is me crossing the finishing line. I was way too tired to ever smile.

Nadine entitled this photo..."Shrek Likes to Run". Is my head really that big?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Race Day

The Preparation
It all started at 3:15am. I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep. Maybe it was nerves, maybe it was excitement, but I crawled out of bed, took a shower and ate a small breakfast (toast and peanut butter). I had to pick up my Aunt (who also ran), Uncle and father in law at 5:00a so we could make the 45 minute drive to Detroit. We took the peoplemover from Greektown to the start line and were in place around 6:45a. I was surprised at the number of people that were running (16,000), as well as how compact the start line was. Things got started by hearing motivational speaches from Detroit and Windsor's Mayor and both national anthems were played.

The Start
Music was blasting (Right Now, by Van Halen) and the crowd counted down to the start. It was pretty exciting. All the training came down to this moment. Because of the amount of people, it actually took me 3 minutes just to get to the starting line. Once my chip registered on the start, the run was on.

Miles 1-3
Still pretty exciting at this point. It was tough not to get caught up with the crowd and run to quick a pace. The streets were lined with families and "Cheer Teams". We started down Michigan Avenue and ran past Tiger Stadium (1 mile mark). We then meandered through the streets and through Mexican Town. I can honestly say I have never seen this part of town. It reminded me of Playa Del Carmen, but empty because of the time. The cheering sections thinned out a bit, but there were DJ's and bands playing which helped.

Miles 4-5 (The Bridge)
The one thing I could not prepare for during my training was the constant uphill run to go over the Ambassador Bridge to Canada. It seemed like it would never end. Everybody was pretty excited to get to it, but about halfway up, it was evident that it was a challenge. It didn't help that there was a pretty strong cross-wind either. The one good thing about going up so far, is that you get to come down the other end. Although much less strain on the legs, it was important not to go too fast, or an injury could occur. Once at the bottom, a Windsor DJ was at the Customs station pumping up the runners.

Miles 6-8 (Canada)
The best part about the run was Canada. Not because of the view, the fact that it was flat terrain, or the wind was at our backs. It was the fact that it's at this point where the endorphines kicked in and running was really comfortable. The streets were lined at all points with spectators, and it seemed they had fluid stations a little closer together.

Miles 9-10 (The Tunnel)
As we entered the tunnel, it seemed as if you were being sucked down and the pace really picked up. Runners were cheering and making a lot of noise. We must have forgot the opposite effect of the bridge. What goes down, must come back up. Once I started the incline, I really had to dig deep to keep running. I think is was about .75 miles uphill and the legs were burning. It didn't help that there wasn't fresh air and was very hot.

Miles 11-12.7 (The Test)
In my training, I had never gone further than 10 miles, and certainly had never put my body through the hills. When I started Mile 11, I told myself that this is what I trained all these months for. I knew it was going to be fairly flat and all I had to do was keep moving. I was actually 3 minutes ahead of my pace goal at this point. Doing these three miles tested everything I had. I was not going to walk, but my body wanted to. I could feel myself slowing down and that was evident when I got to the 12 mile marker and I was now only 30 seconds ahead of pace. The next .7 miles were just as trying for me, but.........

Mile 12.7-13.1 (The Finish)
As I turned the final corner I saw the finish line. Only .4 miles to go and it would all be done. The crowd was thick and loud. The finish line DJ was urging people on it was exciting. It gave me a 2nd (or was it 10th) wind. I started to sprint and kept on going past the finish line. My time was 2:09:56....a full 4 seconds ahead of pace goal.

To look at me, this experience has not changed me. I am still the same height, still the same weight, and probably not much thinner than I was. But on the inside, this run made a big difference. I am many years removed from past sports glory. I'm not saying my finishing time was anything glorious, but for me to hear the cheering crowd and get some attention for this accomplishment meant a lot. It's not something you get from being an accountant.

Thanks for keeping up with me, and I'll try to get some pictures on later in the week.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 14 Update

Bet you thought I gave up, didn't you? No siree Bob! I just no longer need the motivation of documenting my run to know that I'm gonna finish. I've continued my training for the past 3 weeks and am happy to say, I am on the stretch run (pardon the pun!). No run will be longer than 4 miles, with the majority only being 2 miles.

My only concern at this point is the weather. If it is 60-70 degree, I know I can handle it. If it's 90 degrees, like this past week, I will have some problems. Conversely, if it's 30-40 degrees, I don't know how my body will react. Either way it is out of my hands!

I probably won't post anymore until after the run, but will hopefully get some pictures up of me crossing the finish line.

Thank you for your continued support!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week 11 Recap

Not much to report this week. I did my running, including the 10-mile Sunday run. As with the other long runs, once I hit the 4 mile mark, it really was actually relaxing and gratifying. The training has one more long week (and 10 mile run). Other than that, I am on the "cool down" phase of training. The remaining weeks total and long run are:

Week 12 - 17.5 Miles (6.0)
Week 13 - 21.5 Miles (10.0)
Week 14 - 16.0 Miles (6.0)
Week 15 - 12.0 Miles (4.0)
Week 16 - 4.5 Miles (Race)

That's only 71.5 miles left to train....only a little under 12 hours....Only one month till race day. What will I do after that? Probably see if I can become a body builder....lol

Have a good week.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Week 10 Recap

I'm still here. I know I skipped an entry for week 9, but that's because I was on vacation. I've been keeping up with my running and and excited that the run is only 6 weeks away.

I was asked this week about why I don't run the 13.1 miles before the race, to make sure I can finish. I struggled with an answer until I really thought about it. 13.1 miles is the goal of my training. If I did it before, it would not be the accomplishment I am hoping it will be. Do I think I could push myself and do the run now?.....Yes. Would I be able to do it without feeling the pain for the next week?.....No.

It's no longer about losing weight (I've only lost 5 pounds) to look better. This run is about an accomplishment for me. It's about seeing my name in the paper and getting a medal. It's about doing something others (and me at the beginning) wouldn't think they could do...and having the proof to show it. It's about having a story to re-live when I'm older. IT'S SELFISH!!

Enough ramblish....This week will be 21.5 miles with the long run being 10 miles.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Week 8 Recap

I really think I will be able to finish now. I had my doubts ealier because I had yet to run outside, and week 7 put a real strain on my legs. Week 8 was entirely different. I felt comfortable running and actually think I prefer it to the treadmill. I think it has a lot to do with actually seeing progress made instead of running in one spot. It also save me about an hour/day in drive time and hot tub.

My weekly goal was 20.5 miles with the long Sunday run being 8.5 miles. I completed 21 miles and 9 miles on Sunday. What was strange was I really didn't start to tire until after the 8 mile mark. Week 9 will be the longest training week unless I decided to push things later. At 22.0 miles, it isn't much different than this past week.

Miles Trained - 99.2
Minutes Trained - 1,013
Calories "lost" - 17,265

Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 7 Recap

Back on track this week by running 16.0 miles. I was only supposed to run 15.5, but I felt like I had to start making up for last week.

The big change this week was the fact that I started running outside. Of the 16 miles, 14 of them were in the neighborhood. It is quite a difference in the pounding that my body is taking. On the treadmill, it is flat, a comfortable temperature, and it helps your legs along. Although not drastic, the peeks and valleys put strain on different leg muscles. I ran in the rain and it was also a bit windy on Sunday.

The upcoming week is one of the longest of the whole training program. The 20.5 miles is only 1.5 miles less than the longest week (week 9). Although I would like to try to do it completly outside, I think I will do one of the short runs inside so I can relax in the gym hot tub.

Miles Trained - 78.2
Minutes Trained - 803
Calories Lost - 92.36 cans

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Now It's Serious!!

I've made the step that will ensure that I will run the race. I've paid the entry fee. On top of that, I've signed up for the special edition newspaper that details the pre-race activity and gives the race results. I'll be damned if I get a results paper and not have my name in it.

Although I wasn't able to run this past week, I got a vote of confidence from the wife (whether she knew it or not). As with any training, it takes some time away from the family, and we are no different. With me sometimes running at 10p at night, it can be taxing. We were on a neighborhood walk and I was talking about the day of the run and how she could follow my progress online if she wanted because of the chip technology. She made the comment of, "what makes you think I don't want to be there to see you cross the finish line?" Although I know that deep down she supported me getting healthier and completing this goal, it was very uplifting to hear it voiced.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Week 6 Recap

Not much to recap this week. I didn't make it to the gym at all. Not because I didn't want to, but life got in the way again.

On a more positive note, I have found a partner to do the run with. That should provide some extra motivation to make sure I see this thing through to the end.

See you next week.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Week 5 Recap

This week provided a real test in the training program. It wasn't necessarily the 7.0 mile run, but the time it takes to run it. At 74 minutes, plus travel and hot tub, I'm away from the family for 2.5 hours. Luckily the wife has been pretty supportive and sees that it really does have a positive influence on me. My 2 year old is going through a period where he only wants his mom to do things, so I'm sure he doesn't care if I'm gone...lol

I was able to get through the full 18.0 miles this week. Much like my other longer runs, the beginning of the 7.0 mile run was grueling, but after awhile, it was pretty relaxing. I am happy for the day off today, as I'm a little sore.

Next week is much like this week, with a distance of 18.5 miles. Only exception is a Sunday run of 7.5 miles. I have family coming over this weekend and possibly people staying over, so finding the time to run will be a challenge.

On a side note, I've always wondered why long distance runners that I see usually don't have headphones (iPod, etc). I always thought that it had something to do with the weight or the bother of the cord. I decided this week to try running without. Actually my dead batteries decided for me. I was surprised that it actually made the runs easier. It helped it two ways. First, I know that most of the songs are between 4 and 5 minutes long. This provides a sort of timer that tells me how far I have gone. I don't like this. It structures the run too much. This week I put a towel over the distance reader and set a goal for when I could check distance or drink water (ex: One full inning of baseball game). Some innings were long, and some were not.
Secondly, it was more relaxing. I was able to notice other things around me. I even got lost in a TV show in which I had to read the closed captioning. It took my mind off the run. I imagine when I run outside, it is much better.

Distance Run - 62.2 miles
Time Trained - 10 hours, 42 minutes
Calories Lost - 74.9 cans
Low Weekly Weight - 208.8
Average Weekly Weight - 210.1

Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 4 Recap

The last of the "easy" weeks is over. It's now time for some serious training.

I was able to get back on track this week and complete the full 13.0 miles. The weekend runs of 3.0 miles and 4.5 miles weren't too taxing, and I actually felt I could have gone further both days. My only regret is that I was not able to get outside to run. I haven't broken that seal yet, and need to do it quickly (although 90 degrees this week isn't going to help).

Week 5 is another test week for me, increasing to 18.0 miles. This includes a Sunday run of 7.0 miles. I think if I can get through this week, I will go ahead and actually sign up for the marathon as I will then feel this thought will become a reality.

I'm 25% done with the training, which is further than I usually get. I appreciate everybody continuing to read my blog and hope to continue for another 12 weeks.

Miles Trained - 44.2
Time Trained - 7 Hours 56 Minutes
Calories Lost - 55.46 cans
Low Weekly Weight - 210.3 lbs
Average Weekly Weight - 212.0 lbs

Monday, July 23, 2007

July 23, 2007 - Not Good, But Good

Much like many of the other times I fell off the bandwagon, life got in the way this weekend. I took my son to the park and to the Bounce House on Saturday, and had company at night. On Sunday, I pulled sod and did a marathon's worth of leg work (10 hours). That being said, I did not run at all over the weekend, but feel I actually did more to strengthen my legs than if I had run. I only ran 6.0 miles this week instead of the scheduled 15.0.

On the plus side of things, my weight started to drop this week. I've also picked up the pace a little bit on my runs, finishing a full minute ahead of pace in the 1.5 mile run. Doesn't sound like much, but it means running at 7.0/mph for 6 minutes instead of 6.0/mph, or completing the half-marathon 19 minutes quicker.

Week 4 is a "break" week. Only 13.0 miles with the long run of only 4.5 miles. Because of the full leg workout I got on Sunday, the key day is going to be Tuesday. My hamstrings and feet are quite sore. If I can get to the gym and work through the soreness, I should be fine.

Miles Trained - 31.2
Minutes Trained - 322
Calories Lost - 41.13 cans
Low Weekly Weight - 211.2
Average Weekly Weight - 212.9

Monday, July 16, 2007

July 16, 2007 - Week 2 Recap

2 weeks down and still on pace. I've been here before, so I'm not too excited. What I am excited about is the fact I ran the full 14.5 miles last week, including the 5.5 mile run on Sunday.

Two things were surprising to me. First, that I actually got to the gym on Sunday. I wasn't feeling too good and almost had myself talked out of it. I was pretty tired and the wife made a good dinner. Second was how easy the run was after I got past a certain point. I continued to battle the run for the first 2.0 miles and was in pretty bad shape. After that, I seemed to see the end in site and it was pretty smooth. I guess I got the perverbial "runners high". I wasn't even out of breath at the end. Just a little soreness in the calves.

Week 3 is only .5 miles farther than week 2, so it provides "a break". The only difference is Sunday's run will be 6.0 miles. I can't say I'm not happy for the off day today, but look forward to continuing on.

See you next week.

Miles Trained - 25.2
Minutes Trained - 262
Calories "Lost" - 27.9 cans
Low Weekly Weight - 212.4
Average Weekly Weight - 213.8

Monday, July 9, 2007

One down, 15 to go. My world now consists of weeks that run from Tuesday to Sunday. 5 runs. I've made it through the first week and am pretty happy with the results. Although I fell a little short of my goal (10.7 miles instead of 11.0), I forced myself to run even at 9p after my son went to bed.

Week two will be quite a bit tougher. The weekly total goes from 11.0 miles to 14.5, with the long Sunday run increasing to 5.5 miles from 3.0. With how I struggled with the 3 miles this week, I'm not sure it will happen.

Days to Run - 104
Miles Trained - 10.7
Minutes Trained - 112
Calories Burned - 11.91 cans

Friday, July 6, 2007

July 6, 2007

So far so good. Because of the holiday, I've been able to run at all times of the day to see what works best for me. I think I feel the best after work. My body seems more awake and natually stretched out. My afternoon run wasn't too bad, but not possible with working during the week. My morning run was nice because it got it out of the way, but I couldn't seem to get comfortable. This concerns me since the marathon is in the AM.

I'm actually looking forward to my runs this weekend (2.5 & 3.0 miles). I may actually try to do an outdoor run if it doesn't hit 90 degrees. I'm still in the exciting phase of my training and I am enjoying it. The test will come in week 3 and beyond.

Many of the people I have spoken to, who work out, tend to equate calories burned to food items "saved". In my case it is 12oz cans of regular pepsi (150 calories). I have tried to cut out regular pop, which is difficult for me. In my future postings I will show my workout calories burned on a per can basis.

Days to Marathon - 107
Miles Trained - 5.5
Minutes Trained - 58
Calories Burned - 6.11 cans (917 calories)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

July 3, 2007 - Day 1

Today is the first day. I have searched the internet and found a few training schedules. The one I am choosing to follow is the intermediate 1 program at http://www.halhigdon.com/marathon/inter1.html. Since I only have 16 weeks, I cut out the first two weeks. Although this is a full-marathon schedule, I just cut the distances in half, and hope it works. I currently weigh 216.0 and would like to be below 200.0 by race day.

So today is 1.5 miles. At my comfortable pace of 6mph, it will take me about 16 minutes. As I progress, I'd like to kick it up a bit to 7mph, but for now, I'd just like to finish.

Current Weight - 216.0
Training Miles To Go - 259
Days to Race - 110

Monday, July 2, 2007

July 1, 2007 - The Plan

I'm gonna do it this time. I've always had the idea in my head that I could run a (half)marathon. Better yet, I could run it in less than 2 hours. Is it possible?......sure. Is it possible for me?....now that may be a different answer.

In 2004, I trained 17 weeks to run the Pinckney Trail Run. I actually thought one of my life-goals was going to happen. The problem is that I trained indoors because of the weather and the fact that I could sit in a hot tub after the session. On the day of the run it snowed 6-8 inches and was 20-some degrees. Not exactly the 70-degree, no wind climate of my gym. Needless to say, I backed out. Since then I have made several attempts to train again, but usually fade after 2-3 weeks. This time WILL be different.

My plan is to run the Detroit Free Press/Flagstar Half-Marathon (http://www.detroitfreepressmarathon.com/) on October 21. That gives me 16 weeks to prepare, 16 weeks to battle the urge to stay home instead of workout, and 16 weeks to back out. It also gives me 16 weeks to prove to myself that I can accomplish something that, at this point, is impossible to me.

I will try to keep this blog up to date as much as possible. If you keep seeing postings, I am still on course. If not, I'm sure you can figure out what happened.